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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

They would be, and safe enough, but they would be illegal for individual citizens to own.
I wonder though...How practical could a methane digester be made? Kitchen scraps, anyone?
By the way, I worked on the Yucca Mountain project...I built a hydraulic conductivity meter
for the project...They had to verify that the waste could not seep into the ground water.
The last I heard, the hydraulic conductivity in Yucca Mountain is very low. That's good!


> From: Nero Wolfe <wolfe19@megsinet.net>
> Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?
> > Now I am halfway serious about this.....  I mean.. the technology is in
> our grap.  Though just to give you some idea (now if I have gotten my ideas
> right.. )  CP-1 was a big freaking pile.  there were some
> >
> Have you heard of "Nuclear Subterrenes"  They are tunnneling
> machines that have compact nuclear reactors. I have a picture
> of one that was published in the Las Vegas Review Journal
> some time ago. I'll try to find it and scan it in.
> In fact, I just met a guy today who worked at the Yucca Mountain
> Nuclear Waste site and he described one to me, but I forgot
> the specific name he gave to it.
> Anyway, the point being, perhaps these "compact" power plants
> would be small enough for a submersible.
> --Steve

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