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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] warning for smyth

Great America - submarines was welded there in early 1920 ies.. :-))
.. and maybe it was in a freeflooding area.. 

Michael B Holt schrieb:
> True story of a submarine welding problem:
> In the early 20s, on an O-class boat in a U.S. shipyard...
> A reporter was assigned to cover the launching of the boat.   He arrived
> early, met the important folk and sat back to wait.   After a while, the
> launching was postponed for an hour or so.   The reporter decided to
> look around.
> Security wasn't what it is today, so he was able to get on the deck
> of the sub.  He also got to walk alongside the hull.  He started looking
> at the hull closely, and he noted a pitting in a weld at the stern of the
> boat, at about the waterline.   He scratched at it, wondering what it
> was.  Finally he looked around for something with which he could
> scrape at the place.   He found a couple of feet of stiff wire, and he
> poked for a bit.
> Suddenly the wire broke through the weld.  It went all the way into the
> pressure hull.    The reporter left the wire in the hole and ran for the
> nearest foreman.   Breathlessly, he told the man of his find.
> The foreman just grinned cheerfully and said, "It's OK.   We'll just
> cover it up with grease after we launch her."
> I think this was on Arch Whitehouse's book on submarine
> warfare.   Right now I can't find it because I re-arranged all
> the books at midnight while I was looking for a copy of Sir
> Thomas More's "Utopia."
> Mike H.
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