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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] pressure compensating ambient

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002 10:29:38 -0700 Doc <doc@bionicdolphin.com> writes:
> I don't want to go beyond 150 feet, my night vision sucks now and 
>there's more than
>enough for me to discover at that depth or less to feed my curiosity 
>for the rest of my life.

This brings up which is admittedly not in the direct line of inquiry.

I have the same vision problem, Doc.   Will low-light TVs work 
underwater?   I see them for sale in catalogs for less than
$200, and it seems that one of my personal problems would
be solved if I carried "genuine Russian Army-issue low-light
sniper goggles!" as a way to improve my sight underwater.

Mike H.

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