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Have you put an amp meter in the line to see if your nearing peak
current draw with the props you have now?  If you not at the max.
current draw, you can either alter the props you have or change your
props to new ones.  If you have plastic props, you may be able to heat
them a bit and add a little pitch to them.  Make them scoop a little
more water.  If it were me, I'd make a jig to mount them on and help
control the bending.  Then I'd heat them a little and see if I could
fine tune them.  Even aluminum props can be bent a little, but to far
and SNAP!  Don't exceed the max. current of your motors though.  You'll
toast them if you do..

Dan H.

Alan Winick wrote:

> Hello!
> My name is Alan Winick and I'm sending a photo of my
> submarine Explorer to the site. I dreamed of building
> a sub since I was 11 (about 35 years ago).I completed
> it in 1998 after many years of planning, including
> several visits with George Kittredge and intense study
> of numerous vehicles. Busby was my bible!
> Explorer is a single place, one-atmosphere sub. It's
> 8' LOA and weighs in at 2300 lbs. Design depth is 250'
> and deepest dive to date is 120'. Viewing is through 7
> flat ports in the conning tower and a plexi bow dome
> fabricated for me by Greg Cottrell. Propulsion is
> three air-compensated Minn-Kotas running off two
> series 27 marine gel batteries carried inside the
> hull. Cabin atmosphere is air refreshed with O2. An O2
> analyzer and CO2 scrubber are carried.
> Although Explorer is active, it spends most of its
> time on exhibit at The Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk,
> CT. I am deeply involved in science education using
> the submarine as a teaching tool.
> But on to my question. I need more thrust. I'm
> sure the motors are powerful enough and suspect that I
> need props more suited to my application than the
> stock ones supplied with the motor. Maybe more pitch,
> blade area? Anybody? Thanks.
> Alan
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