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[PSUBS-MAILIST] wet sub hulls still available

Hi Gene Seus here,
I'm very regular reading almost all emails for the last 4 years.  Went to the convention in Portland too.  Lurking and learning!
One of those minesweeper hulls might be the ticket for an open wet sub.  Carsten and I were brainstorming about designs using the mine sweepers a couple of years ago.  He thought they might be TOO streamlined and might move to easily and swiftly up or down in depth.  This could be dangerous for an ambiant enclosed sub.  Possibly the ballast control would not be able to keep up with the pressure changes.  In this regard, a 1 atmosphere pressure hull inside would be safer.  As money, time, knowledge, and resources allow, I'm leaning toward a Kittridge sub design.  The ends of a mine sweeper might work as fairings.
Call me for more info on the minesweeper hulls.  They're still piled high! A guy bought 2 a couple of months ago... got a volume deal from the yard that has them... $200 each!
Gene    209-815-3900  cellphone