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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] intentions

At 11:34 AM 7/18/2002 Thursday, you wrote:
I totally agree with Doug.  If a topic comes through and I'm not
particularly interested, it takes me two seconds to read the subject and
delete it.  But if later on down the road I decide I need that info, I can
search the archives and find what I need.  I've been keeping some of the
topics I'm interested in off the board because I thought most of the people
(some exceptions)  would be uninterested in moving really fast through the
water, but if most people agree with Doug, I'll be happy to post here.


I too agree with James and Doug,  let's live and let live.  I am researching many
different aproach to sub designing/designs, from any and all point at the same
time.  Presently, it is mostly speculations, but i have already started a small 3
foot long prototype base that will be used to see if anything i come up with could
work.  I am a fan of high speed, albeit upon the water or under it, but i can't stress
enough that you need some safety rules to follow for such applications.  i'll post my
results when i have anything to report, failure or success, for anyone who cares to
read them.


"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."  -Abraham Lincoln