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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] shapeable incompressable filler..any ideas?

  Several years ago I (unfortunately) was hired on as
the plant foreman in a smaller fiberglass
manufacturing outfit. I was, and am, working as a
consultant in the diving industry as well. We tested a
great many materials, for multiple projects, at depth.
Some were in fact taken down dry, and others wet.
Several were tested both ways. Quite a few were taken
to destruction also. I would be more than happy to
share the results, as I think I still have the folders
of notes from those tests. I can tell you for sure
that a great many material manufacturers stats DO NOT
hold true when taken to depth. Even rocks.....sorry, I
belive it was a joke that got me in hot water the last
time, no? Anyway, if there are some you have in mind,
ask, and if we did any trials with those, I will find
my notes and tell you what we found. Although I must
admit we were not always entirely scientific in out
methods. Frequently it was a matter on them going to
the bottom in a bag, and no more than depth, time, and
temp were recorded. Others were actually done in a
chamber, or a more controlled dive setting.
   The apology is heartfelt, and I hope you will
forgive any offense. The scolding, and being referred
to as chicken little, will, however, surely keep me
from chiming in with my unsolicited two cents worth on
this site more in the future. If my comments here have
offended anyone else, let me take this chance to say
"I am sorry" to you as well.
   I will not bore the group with the qualifications
and experience upon which my observations and comments
are based, but only say that I have recovered the
bodies of several who did not heed the warnings ( from
myself and\or others) given them, and it is a gruesome
way to die. Not a thing to wish on anyone, I assure
   If I can be of any service to you, or anyone on
here, just ask, and I will do anything I can.

Dewey R. Mason II
The Deep Past Foundation

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