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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] shapeable incompressable filler..any ideas?

Hello Dewey and all,
Thanks for your apologies Dewey, I don’t like to give the impression
of being a wet blanket, but I am sure that people respect good advice
more when it is delivered with a friendly attitude, so thanks again.

I am interested in your tests with the compressive-ness of
rubber..(and of rocks..which I don’t really intend to use!). I was
hoping that plaster of paris was not quite as porus as it obviously
is, but have you tried the same tests with a block of resin/bondo (for

I think it would be VERY helpful if anyone who is actively testing
these kinds of materials could post some results on a web-database
(although people probably should do it themselves also, just to
Have you taken any materials down dry? i.e. wrapped well in saran wrap
or something, so that it is subjected to the pressure, but proofed
from water, just to see if the material can handle the cycling of
pressure change? It would be nice to find some way to measure the
volume change under pressure, but I can’t think of one that keeps
the material dry.
I do actually have my dive license, but I keep forgetting to take
tests down with me...diving in aust. is very distracting!

So Thanks again Dewey, anyone else who is pressure testing materials
(wet AND dry) should get together and form a results database!