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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] shapeable incompressable filler..any ideas?

   I will address each comment in turn.

> Firstly, tone down your attitude, no-one likes to be
> condescended

 As to my attitude, if I gave you offense, I do
abjectly apologize for this. That was in no way my
intent. Nor was I trying to condescend to anyone. Only
express my concern for the safety of those whom I do
hope to perhaps meet and call friends someday, and the
honest discussion of an idea I think we all share.
Again, I offer you my apologies if I offended you. I
am sorry.

> secondly, As this material has not yet been made,
> no-one is going to
> die at this stage...the whole point of this list is
> to sound out ideas
> etc.
I am also aware that the material has not been made at
this time. The whole comment about someone dieing was
meant as a bit of humor, referring to the fact it is a
little comical to see all the places these ideas end
up going. Perhaps the comic effect of this was not
seen by anyone other than myself. Again, my apologies.
As to the point of this list being for discussion of
such things, I belive I am well and surely on record
in the archives as being in total agreement to this.

> thirdly, even if a volume filler was to structurally
> fail the volume
> is still conserved, and is still effective at
> displacing volume
> (provided it has no air bubbles etc. inside it) . To
> see what I mean,
> get a rock and measure its volume.  Then smash it up
> and measure the
> volume of all the fragements and add them up.  You
> will find that the
> sum total of all the little fragment volumes are the
> same as the
> whole, un-smashed rock. So even as the rock has
> suffered structural
> failure, it still displaces exactly the same amount
> of air as when it
> was whole. The cabin will not suffer a sudden
> decompression if the
> filler cracks. I hope I have illustrated this
> clearly.
As to the failure point of internal material, and the
end effect it will have on the pressure inside your
sub, I will not condescend further to you with the
MANY pertinent examples I could point out to you,
rather only suggest you take up diving, and take a few
hundred different materials to depth and see just how
they are effected by water at high pressure. You will
find it quite surprising, I think. When I first took a
rock I HAD smashed ,and that I had weighed both whole
and crushed topside,to depth, and re-weighed it upon
returning to the surface, I found it had gained
considerable mass in the form of water forced into
it's VERY porous structure by the pressure difference.
Most common materials, including plaster of Paris,
will be affected in similar fashion.

> Finally, I would suggest to you that rubber is just
> about as
> incompressable as balsa soaked in oil.  The benifits
> of rubber is that
> a)non-toxic, b)less of an environmental issue if
> there is a problem,
> c)rubber is not a liquid and does not need to be
> sealed, d) it is
> easier to machine and shape (since I dont have to
> consruct a specail
> vessel to hold the rubber in)

The rubber is not compressible in it's own right, but
almost all rubber has air spaces inside. Do not take
my word for this. Try it. I have studied the
properties of a few materials myself, and used them in
deep water. But I think I have already said too much
on the subject.
> So, in answer to your statement. No-one is going to
> die. I am not
> stupid enough to dive in a sub that I am not
> completely happy with,
> and that people on this list are happy with.

I never made any reference to the word STUPID that I
can find in the archives,or recall myself. Nor would I
apply the term to anyone I do not have personal
knowledge of. For the thought of you diving a
dangerous boat, I have not suggested you would do
anything of the sort, and, again, if I have been
offensive to you, my apologies.
> It might be more considerate to continue this
> discussion off-list if
> you feel the need to.
> E.

I will do my very best to be more considerate of you
in the future. If by any chance you might like to hear
anything further on this matter from me, feel free to
contact me off line at you convenience.

Dewey R. Mason II
The Deep Past Foundation

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