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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] shapeable incompressable filler..any ideas?

Ok Dewey,
Firstly, tone down your attitude, no-one likes to be condescended.

secondly, As this material has not yet been made, no-one is going to
die at this stage...the whole point of this list is to sound out ideas

thirdly, even if a volume filler was to structurally fail the volume
is still conserved, and is still effective at displacing volume
(provided it has no air bubbles etc. inside it) . To see what I mean,
get a rock and measure its volume.  Then smash it up and measure the
volume of all the fragements and add them up.  You will find that the
sum total of all the little fragment volumes are the same as the
whole, un-smashed rock. So even as the rock has suffered structural
failure, it still displaces exactly the same amount of air as when it
was whole. The cabin will not suffer a sudden decompression if the
filler cracks. I hope I have illustrated this clearly.

Finally, I would suggest to you that rubber is just about as
incompressable as balsa soaked in oil.  The benifits of rubber is that
a)non-toxic, b)less of an environmental issue if there is a problem,
c)rubber is not a liquid and does not need to be sealed, d) it is
easier to machine and shape (since I dont have to consruct a specail
vessel to hold the rubber in)

So, in answer to your statement. No-one is going to die. I am not
stupid enough to dive in a sub that I am not completely happy with,
and that people on this list are happy with.

It might be more considerate to continue this discussion off-list if
you feel the need to.

> Of course you realize,,,,someone is going to die, yes?
> Think simple,like maybe balsa soaked with oil or
> water. Totally incompressible, reasonably formable,
> cheap, safe, non-toxic, and you MAY live with it in
> with you. As to a volume filler not being structural
> in an ambi-sub, consider this. If the filler crushes
> at depth X, and does so rapidly beyond that depth,
> then the result could well be a major reduction of
> occupied volume, and increased inner volume, leading
> to a perhaps rapid drop in interior pressure, and
> either water coming in REALLY fast in a wet sub and
> said sub sinks like a rock, or that pressure being
> suddenly applied to your unreinforced hull, which
> would also fail, and.....well anyway, it COULD be a
> bad thing. You have to decide for yourself. Just a
> thought.
> Dewey
> --- DBACKIDS@aol.com wrote:
> > you could also try superballs in bondo/resin...
> > 
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