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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] shapeable incompressable filler..any ideas?

Of course you realize,,,,someone is going to die, yes?
Think simple,like maybe balsa soaked with oil or
water. Totally incompressible, reasonably formable,
cheap, safe, non-toxic, and you MAY live with it in
with you. As to a volume filler not being structural
in an ambi-sub, consider this. If the filler crushes
at depth X, and does so rapidly beyond that depth,
then the result could well be a major reduction of
occupied volume, and increased inner volume, leading
to a perhaps rapid drop in interior pressure, and
either water coming in REALLY fast in a wet sub and
said sub sinks like a rock, or that pressure being
suddenly applied to your unreinforced hull, which
would also fail, and.....well anyway, it COULD be a
bad thing. You have to decide for yourself. Just a

--- DBACKIDS@aol.com wrote:
> you could also try superballs in bondo/resin...

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