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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] intentions

thank you for having the decency to reply to my posting
yes you are right i'm sure as you say i'm taking my frustrations out on the
many people who subscribe to psubs
i live in the Uk and i'm sure i am in the minority regards people who would like to build their own submersible, it's not like i can call up a buddy and talk design or fabrication,
but here just try approaching a company to supply you with a pair of end caps for a pressure vessel
and you are into very dark waters
"what do you want them for "is the usual question needless to say i get an adverse reaction
i do have extensive experience in engineering and fabrication .
i run two manufacturing companies and a retail shop,but like a lot of people
we are experiencing a downturn in business.
thus my hobby is relegated to the shelf
it's very hard to watch you guys get on and do things positively.
carsten is the best example of drive and determination and has given us all a
very large kick up the arse  when it comes to getting on with the job
the man deserves a medal in my book.
also yourself with the bionic dolphin project
please dont think of me as the guy who just grinds on about his lot in life
i'm very positive with a will to succeed
but the ping pong balls thread just left me cold .
i have blown my own foam for sufboards (yes i have photos)
which here in UK is somewhat extreme .we could buy surfboard blanks  from america
but the price killed our product so we built our own moulds  and blew our own foam
it took time and money but we did it . this might mean jack xxxx . but at the end of the day
we put british surfing on the map.
i relate as a lot of psub members do to the practical mechanics article about the diver propulsion
vehicle that we can now buy plans for on the psubs site.
i read the article many years ago as a boy and it has stuck with me
to this day
what i'm getting at is the thought that we are obsessed with technology and refer to a
peice of software to sort the problems out rather than grass roots  math and design criteria
along with hands on engineering (welding .lathe work etc)
kittredge epitomises this ethos in the fact that he has produced the goods moreso than any psubs member .
you refer to the new zealander william hamilton, we also have such innovative heroes as frank whittle
who also dedicated his lif to the realisation of the jet engine
so yes i do understand the need to explore engineering diversities whether good or bad to 
a final conclusion.
and i praise  all those like minded souls  in their quest to succeed
also yourself with the bionic dolphin project
regards roger rabbit
----- Original Message -----
From: Rob Innes
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] intentions


It sounds to me like you are taking your own frustrations of your projects lacking progress out on the group members who choose to share and discuss some of the more outlandish design ideas. Is it really that much of a burden on you. You're not obliged to read every persons contribution in their entirety. I devote most of my spare time and budget to my dolphin project. I too have the frustrations of running my own business. I know what the real ratio of construction time to real testing time is (about 100:1 presently, which is actually a vast improvement from last year). But I also remember when I first decided I wanted to build my own submersible creation. I remember the many far fetched ideas that I ran through, from bending fuselages to internal vectored jet thrusters. As it turned out most of my finalized power choices were far more conservative than those initial dreams of revolutionizing modern technology, but I have the utmost respect for those who choose to pursue the more unreliable and often least cost effective alternatives. Most will, as I did, eventually bow down to the impracticalities and their own dwindling budgets, but some like the great William Hamilton , a fellow New Zealander and perfector  of the modern jet pump, chose to stick by an idea that had been tested and had failed for over 100 years. Regardless of the odds of success, I think it is an important stage for every builder to go through. How many people to you really think are going to want to build submersibles if you deny them the possibility of contributing new ideas, regardless of whether they've been discussed before or you deem them unworkable. I look back at my old sketches with great joy seeing how far I've come since then but also how cynical I've become as I've learnt more; a fact which I am not always proud of. I say we need to keep the spirit of innovation alive and if you're not interested just click to the next e mail until you find what ever it is you need to hear.

Rob Innes

Roger Rabbit wrote:

hi guyswell it's like thisevery day i come home from my joband the first thing i do is download psubslike many of us do .i'm no damn scientist i don't work in ITi'm just a humble joe doing his thing.yet i am amased at he amount of diversion that we are having to take in to cosiderationi allways head back to kittredgescrubber systems: kittredge said the air gets a bit stuffy round about an hour submergedthus you surface and open the lid and let some fresh in .( logic)but no we gotta get into all kindsa different systems to replenish the commodity we breathalong with rocket propulsion sytemscomputer controlled breathing systemstap tap tap communication systemssyntactic ping pong balls(yeah right)i'm gonna build a hot air balloon out of used car tyres?don't get me wrong guysas far as i see it if you want to be in an R andD situation no problemevolution will not happen unless you experiment.,but we all seem to be talking  and not buildingthe main question is when did you last dive in a submersiblefor me it was two years ago in the red seaprevious it was two months in a fresh water lake in a morgo.finances prohibit me from building a K350i have four mouths to feed and a business to run(priority)please lets get back to welding the bugger togetherswapping ideas and getting wet.don't get ,me wrong i'm all for experimentingbut every day i get further away from getting wetand further into drawing software and design criteriaDID holland have a PCi think nottalk is cheap actions speak louder than words let's not forget the actual is to dive so quit talking let's weldall genius is simpleregards roger rabbitsorry if you don't like the tone i'm just fed up with reading other peoplesunfounded ideaslets have some results good or bad