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[PSUBS-MAILIST] intentions

hi guys
well it's like this
every day i come home from my job
and the first thing i do is download psubs
like many of us do .
i'm no damn scientist i don't work in IT
i'm just a humble joe doing his thing.
yet i am amased at he amount of diversion that we are having to take in to cosideration
i allways head back to kittredge
scrubber systems: kittredge said the air gets a bit stuffy round about an hour submerged
thus you surface and open the lid and let some fresh in .( logic)
but no we gotta get into all kindsa different systems to replenish the commodity we breath
along with rocket propulsion sytems
computer controlled breathing systems
tap tap tap communication systems
syntactic ping pong balls(yeah right)
i'm gonna build a hot air balloon out of used car tyres?
don't get me wrong guys
as far as i see it if you want to be in an R andD situation no problem
evolution will not happen unless you experiment.,
but we all seem to be talking  and not building
the main question is when did you last dive in a submersible
for me it was two years ago in the red sea
previous it was two months in a fresh water lake in a morgo.
finances prohibit me from building a K350
i have four mouths to feed and a business to run(priority)
please lets get back to welding the bugger together
swapping ideas and getting wet.
don't get ,me wrong i'm all for experimenting
but every day i get further away from getting wet
and further into drawing software and design criteria
DID holland have a PC
i think not
talk is cheap actions speak louder than words
let's not forget the actual is to dive so quit talking let's weld
all genius is simple
regards roger rabbit
sorry if you don't like the tone i'm just fed up with reading other peoples
unfounded ideas
lets have some results good or bad