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Re: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] H2O2 combustion chamber

--- Herve,
   I must ask which two U.S. subs you mean?

> look for the kursk for instance.
> There was  a leak of H2O2 inside a torpedo, the
> pressure built up and blew
> up the engine compartment of the torpedo, then the
> chemical reaction turned
> into fire that in turn blew up the warhead of the
> torpedo and the entire
> compartment.
> There is a complete story by the way at discovery
> channel about the kursk.
> same thing happened to 2 US subs.
> Very often Navies do not want to recognize the real
> cause of the destruction
> of their sub because some time it is really stupid.
> The scorpion for instance, in Europe it is said to
> sailors that the trash
> dump valve stayed opened after a wrong manoeuver,
> another  mistake in the
> design placed that valve right above the battery
> compartment, the rest is
> easy to imagine, major leak, sea water on battery
> and battery connections.
> of course it is always more attractive to blaim it
> on an attack by another
> sub and other james bond stuff, the reality is often
> really basic.
> Back in the service we used to blow bombs made of 2
> liquids, which once
> mixed together turn into an explosive solution with
> a high detonation once
> triggered. 1 of the 2 liquids is H2O2, pure, of
> course not the one you buy
> at the department store. I will not reveal the
> second liquid that one can
> find almost anywhere, beleive me I dont want H2O2 in
> my sub
> As you can see theses stories are not used to be
> found easily on the net
> Herve

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