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[PSUBS-MAILIST] shapeable incompressable filler..any ideas?

Hi people
Can I just pick peoples brains for a moment and ask if anyone knows of
a light incompressable filler that is easy to shape?  Something like
foam, but since I hope to use this in an ambient dry sub, foam is of
no use.  I notice there are mentions of 'syntactic foam' which sounds
revoltingly expensive, and possibly difficult to obtain.  Does anyone
have a price on this stuff, or know of a wallet-friendly alternative?
All I really want to do is cut down on my air volume and fill in the
deadspace between air tanks/batteries/motors/me in some sensible way!
Thanks folks, and my apologies if this topic has been worn to death.
I am also keen to talk with people who are designing a dry ambient
machine, about their solutions to various problems (particularly
press. comp. and for a dicussion of design ideas) so if anyone who is
doing this would like to contact me, I would be forever appreciative.
Thanks again.
E. Muller.