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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] shapeable incompressable filler..any ideas?

As always, I'm going to suggest not scrimping, and doing it a proper, tried and tested 
way.You could of course make your own syntactic foan by mixing glass beads and 
epoxy. The glass beads  will be essential non-compressible, especially at the 
working depths of an ambient pressure sub, and the epoxy will stick powerfully to just 
about anything. It would be shapeable; you can mix it thick and try to shape it as you 
position the filler, and it would be able to be tooled when hardened.

As with all things marine, and especially all things submarine, it doesn't pay to look 
for cheap shortcuts.

How much volume are you trying to displace?


On 9 Jul 2002 at 11:20, Erik Michael Muller wrote:

> Hi people
> Can I just pick peoples brains for a moment and ask if anyone knows of
> a light incompressable filler that is easy to shape?  Something like
> foam, but since I hope to use this in an ambient dry sub, foam is of
> no use.  I notice there are mentions of 'syntactic foam' which sounds
> revoltingly expensive, and possibly difficult to obtain.  Does anyone
> have a price on this stuff, or know of a wallet-friendly alternative?
> All I really want to do is cut down on my air volume and fill in the
> deadspace between air tanks/batteries/motors/me in some sensible way!
> Thanks folks, and my apologies if this topic has been worn to death.
> I am also keen to talk with people who are designing a dry ambient
> machine, about their solutions to various problems (particularly
> press. comp. and for a dicussion of design ideas) so if anyone who is
> doing this would like to contact me, I would be forever appreciative.
> Thanks again.
> E. Muller.