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I had no Idea a thread on sub safety, the open sharing of information and common dreams in a free democratic society could become so heated.
Come on guys,,, paranoia will destroy ya. True we live in an obscenely litigious time, but if no one had the balls to step outside the box from
time to time we'd all be paddling pig skin canoes and driving a horse and buggy.
I for one prefer life on the edge of discovery.


Herve wrote:

Banishing  is not dictatorial, it is self protection !There is a liability issue, if someone cause injury with a sub designed from infos gathered at PSUBS, PSUBS will be sued for certain and may be shut down, any lawyer will confirm it.It happens all the time with murders, assisted suicide, poisoning, bomb making , whatever from infos obtained through websites. do you think psubs would get away ?Worst: if it is a terrorist, first of all he wont tell you, but if you unwillingly help him, you go to jail. try it.No matter what, even if someone does not get any info on ballast system because he wants to use propane for instance but designs a sub anyways with info on control system, air system, battery , you are liablebecause  you allowed a weirdo to run a propane sub.However anybody can ask questions and learn , that is legitimate but if someone is pursuing and insisting because he wants to design a "lethal" sub he should be ignored, I will ignore him, and if banished it is very unlikely that he designs his sub because outside PSUBS it is not that easy to get infos on making subs. and if does it anyways at least somebody else will liable.Herve 
----- Original Message -----
From: Thijs Struijs
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 7:18 PM
 I think we should consider the fact that designing or building a sub is a dream shared by many people. Banishing there (lethal) ideas from the website will eventualy banish these people from the site. Many of them people (like me) are "dreaming" for over 25 years now, since long before internet existed. They will not be stopped by sending them away. The risk of a lethal accident will be greater when they are on themselves. In order to prevent human tragidies and new legislation I think we should keep them on the list. Thijs Struijs