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My general policy is to put all pictures I receive up on the web. It
sometimes takes a while to get to it but they all go up. I have no
intention to reject any picture based on design approach as I feel all
designs have merit. If nothing more then to inspire conversations. I have
even put up drawings. I may add some remarks with the pictures but as a
general policy they are just to clear up details.

Pictures I won't put up on the site are obviously not submarine related
or anything obscene.

The general policy of the personal_submersibles@psubs.org alias is that
any topic related to PSUBS (small, personally built and owned
submarines) is fair game. Yes that does occasionally starts some flame
wars and heated conversations when passions flair. I see that as a
symptom of a healthy discussion group.

All persons are welcome except for the ones who are abusive,
obscene, or repeatedly waste bandwidth with paragraphs of drivel with a
sentence of relavance. None of the current participants fit into this

As for banishing leathal ideas, no. Discuss them. Discuss the pitfalls.
Point out the problems. Hopefully they will listen and will turn to safer
ideas. If not, well they were warned. Our archive will record the warning.

As for helping terrorists. I am sure they have found us a long time ago. I
know our Government has. Looking at the server stats the US Military and US 
Government have in the past been big visitors.

I think the whole point of the SUBSAFE topic was to put together a SUGGESTED
list of requirements. Not as a do this or get banished but as a if you 
don't know what you are doing, start here. Guys way beyond the introductory
stage are building what they want anyway. 

We have a broad spectrum of participants here, from beginners to experienced
builders. No one document is going to meet the needs of that range of 
all people. However we were all beginners once, wouldn't have been nice to
have some pointers to start with.
