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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Wooden subs: my contribution to the history

Hi All,

I live in Alameda, CA which is about 45 minutes from Sunnyvale (on those few days 
that the Nimitz Freeway permits freeway speeds). I have had a few thoughts on 
wooden subs in the past, and would also be eager to see this design if it is in fact 
some kind of serious design. (If the sub is plywood over 2 x 4's with taped edges 
then forget it!). I've got a decent digital camera that could make getting pictures on 
the web one step faster.


On 20 Jun 2002 at 10:47, Ian Roxborough wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 08:55:57 -0400
> Michael Holt <mholt@richmond.edu> wrote:
> > In 1996 I wrote a letter to WoodenBoat magazine, asking if anyone was
> > building a wooden submarine.  I expected no reply, but I got two or
> > three.  I just found one of them, and in the envelope are photos.  (It
> > was missing for so long because I moved during that time, and things
> > are still appearing out of forgotten places.)
> > 
> > This one is from Henry Agard of Sunnyvale CA.  He was building a
> > wooden box, which looks like a dry sub.  Does anyone know him, or
> > maybe live in that area?
> Hi Mike,
> I'm in Santa Cruz, about 30 minutes from Sunnyvale.
> If he's still in the area and we can find him with
> his sub, I certainly doesn't mind taking a trip
> to take some pictures, with Mr Agard's permission
> of course.
>  Ian.
> -- 
> The moon ate the sun on Monday and it was an awsome sight to see.