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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane tanks

Dang.  Been lurking on this thread... and all can add is "dang."

Yes, I too have gazed inappropriately at propane tanks once or twice.


--- "John R. Farrington" <jrf@austin.ibm.com> wrote:
> Since it at least seems that it is unsafe to use a *used* propane tank
> and you should at least use a new one, I began wondering what the cost
> difference is between ordering a new propane tank vs ordering specific
> hull parts of a known material.
> I estimate my hull to be approximately 360+ gallons.  It is of a known
> material, 36" diameter, 6 feet long, not including the endcaps.
> Cost for the hull cylinder and the 2 endcaps was approximately $825.00
> I did a search on the web and found a 320 gallon propane tank that is
> 30" in diameter, and approx 9 feet long, and it sells for $995.00.
> (And those are awkward dimensions as well)
> You might be able to find a new tank cheaper here or there, but I wouldn't
> think that it would be hugely cheaper than ordering the specific parts
> yourself, out of a known, new material.
> I would hate to have had to build our entire sub with both endcaps on.
> What a hassle that would be!
> An added benefit is that you get to pick the dimensions that suit
> your needs as well, and it just may be cheaper in cost, and safer too.
> Just some thoughts...
> Happy holidays to all.
> -John

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             - Pascal, Provincial Letters XVI

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