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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Telling Terrorist stories around the nationalcampfire

 One thing I don't talk too much about is the tests I did flying on ballast alone back in '95.
It can cruise like a glider with the right ballasting. I got about a third of a mile with a cycle
of 35 feet in depth in the lake and cruised offshore flying on the currents for several hours
without a sound other than my own bubbles and a rebreather would fix that.
 My intent was to be able to run along side whales without disturbing them so we could do
some filming.
 Scott Carpenter wrote a couple of action novels about just such a craft, Steel Albatross & Deep Flight.

Up to now, only my crew and the Navy knew about this capability, so Shhhhhhhh,,, don't tell Osama.


David Buchner wrote:

> At 14:06 -0700 9/24/01, Thomas A. Rowe wrote:
> >Greetings everyone,
> >
> >
> > I just wanted to clear up the misinformation being spread by the TV tabloid Extra
> >about our Bionic Dolphin and Osama bin Ladin.
> Am I missing something, or is this utterly, hilariously absurd? The Bionic Dolphin is a basically a "toy" in the same basic family as jet skis only way cooler - a little enclosed boat that can dive, right? Well, what are they imagining? A fleet of terrorists in these things, sneaking into a harbor and planting bombs? These people are confusing reality with 007 movies, I think.
> How long can it stay underwater before it's little (noisy, I expect) engine runs out of air?
> * (Alternative image: all that asceticism and fundamentalism and cultural purity is just an affectation; Osama Bin Laden, too, is just a rich playboy with too much allowance and too little brain. Picture the turban and pointy beard along with a pair of Speedos, on water skis... some bikini-clad babes, a cooler full of Miller Lite, thumping bass coming out of somebody's low-rider custom pickup with tinted windows parked on the beach...)
> --
> Make War, not Love
> http://capitalismmagazine.com/terrorism/index.htm
> David
> buchner@wcta.net - MN, USA