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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Telling Terrorist stories around the national campfire

Greetings everyone,

 I just wanted to clear up the misinformation being spread by the TV tabloid Extra
about our Bionic Dolphin and Osama bin Ladin.

 The person Extra interviewed in 1998, David A Fuller, is the one who stole our first
prototype in June of '97.  He ultimately also stole $120,000 (of which he claimed he only
received $90k) from a man who is assumed to be one of the younger brothers of Osama
(there are 57 siblings). He identified himself as Mohammed bin Ladin and I would describe
him as a clean shaven rich dapper young Arab playboy who seemed very Americanized.

  Mohammed's initial order was for "collector value". He wanted the #1 production units of the
1 & 2 seat models for himself and as a gift to his brother. (which brother was not specified)
He also wanted to set up a dealership in Saudi which would require he have trained instructors
which we require of anyone with the same dealership request. There was nothing even remotely
sinister or suspicious about any of his requests and at the time we were dealing with him, his
infamous older brother Osama was still just a shadow in a hole that most had never even heard about.

 Fuller did the piece on Extra to try to fend off bin Ladin's attorneys (Barry Scheer of Boston)
who were demanding a full refund from Fuller who had spent the money on a lavish house in
the Harbor Beach area of Ft. Lauderdale and in hiring the Navaro Group of private investigators
to terrorize Kenneth Lynn (the rigger Fuller hired) who stole and hid the prototype in November
of '96 over money Fuller had promised him then defaulted on. (like he did to everyone)

 After filing a police report (that was never sent to the DA for review), Ft. Frauderdale's finest
began to threaten me when I continued to insist that this was a case of fraud and larceny and
that they need to do something.

 Whether or not Fuller delivered our 1st prototype to bin Ladin over the money owed him is
currently being investigated by the FBI and others. Anyone with any clues as to the whereabouts
of this prototype is urged to contact FBI special agent Andre Simons @ 530-223-6473 or myself.

 I can safely assure you that we (TARCO Research) did not deliver two, three or any other
number of Bionic Dolphins to Osama, Mohammed or any other person named Bin Ladin for
the sum of 2, 3, or however many millions of dollars that is currently being wrongly reported.
If we had, I would not still be living in the hayloft of a drafty old barn. (I'd probably be living in the
hayloft of a big new barn!)

 Extra aired the piece 3 times since '98 and have ignored all my cease and desist orders since
the original broadcast. And the story just keeps getting weirder!
 Friday I did an interview with the National Enquirer, it'll be interesting, if it goes to print, just
how much of the story they get right and how much they embellish on the truth for sensationalism
like Extra has.
 It should be a crime at a time of world crisis to spread misleading information for the sake of ratings
and at the cost of people's fears of not only what's above them now but what now is lurking below.

 Through it all we have kept our spirits high and resumed building and playing with our "toys".
 Despite having to inform the local FBI, Sheriff and federal Rangers of our intent to continue
"playing" at our local water hole, we are still having fun and learning tons.

Best wishes and peace to all.



org:TARCO Research;Design and Development
adr:;;11020 Myrtlewood Dr.;Redding;CA;96003;USA
note:Beneath the surface Flies the Future
fn:Thomas "Doc" Rowe