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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Telling Terrorist stories around the national campfire

"Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
>  I just wanted to clear up the misinformation being spread by the TV
> tabloid Extra about our Bionic Dolphin and Osama bin Ladin.

Doc, from what you've told us about this you are unquestionably guilty
of being a victim.  When I hit the lottery, I want a Bionic Dolphin.

On the other hand, if a BD can cart a person and a hundred pounds of
extra stuff, what has been created is one hell of an interesting
weapon.  I daresay it would work the first couple of times it was
tried. No one on guard duty would be able to interpret properly the
data being provided.  The engine sounds would be loud but not in
the "right" place(s) and the whole idea of a high-speed thing that
was evidenced merely by a wave ... that would not be expected.

Have you sent vidoes of the BD to the FBI and the other departments
that might face the thing? 

>  After filing a police report (that was never sent to the DA for
> review), Ft. Frauderdale's finest
> began to threaten me when I continued to insist that this was a case
> of fraud and larceny and that they need to do something.

This part of the story has alwasy interested me.  What was their
reason for hesitating?  Did they ever explain to the FBI?

>  Through it all we have kept our spirits high and resumed building and
> playing with our "toys".
>  Despite having to inform the local FBI, Sheriff and federal Rangers
> of our intent to continue
> "playing" at our local water hole, we are still having fun and
> learning tons.

What's this?  Do you have to tell them when you test?  I wonder if
they'll want to hear about other psubs, too.  I'd be willing to
have a Federal officer in attendance at diving operations.
