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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] An "objection" to psubs

--- "Thomas A. Rowe" <doc@bionicdolphin.com> wrote:
>  There's a lot of spooky people out there with other strange ideas,
> i.e.:
> http://www.bionicdolphin.com/tom/FortFrauderdale/congame.html
>  Drug runners, terrorists, con men and just plain old thieves.
>  A boat as cool as the CSSX is bound to attract all kinds, good and not.

Also nuts, dreamers, fools, and me (I fit all three categories).

I read once where the federal government had siezed the same (surface) freighter from drugrunners,
then sold it at public auction and ended up siezing it again, nine times.  So sometimes, you even
get drug runners and fools in the same package.  (Hey look skipper, it's the drug boat again,
let's sieze it again.  Hope they kept the comfy helm seat we installed last time, the old one gave
me a backache.  Attention small freighter, you are in US Territorial waters...)

It takes all kinds.  Guess this is where part of the "federal budget surplus" comes from...


"Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
          - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)

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