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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] An "objection" to psubs

>I showed Carten's mastework to my Other Half (who inspired the toilet
>query).  She was (properly) amazed and impressed, but her first
>question was "Is that legal?"  Of course it's legal, I told her;
>why do you ask?
>She pointed out that the (American) Drug Enforcement Agency might
>be interested in a boat like the CSSX, thinking that it would
>make a great way to smuggle drugs.  I had to admit she might have
>a point: anything with that much capability might attract a lot
>of unwelcome attention.
>Has anyone heard anything about this idea?

I believe there was some attempt at submarine construction in 
Columbia a few years ago but law enforcement got wind of it and 
raided the warehouse it was being built in. The sub if I can remember 
correctly was about sixty feet long and was being built from Russian 
plans,which were also seized,the yard was miles inland and hull 
sections were to be transported for joining and final fitting at 
another location on the coast but looking at photos I saw in the UK 
I would say the internal fitting out looked pretty complete.
