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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] An "objection" to psubs

You American folks need to spend some time <on www.lp.org> and get back to 
free thinking. Is that LEGAL? Amazing to even have the question asked. This 
is supposed to be the place where the US Constitution works. Is that legal? 
HARUMPH, I say. Why wouldn't it be legal?

Having said that, the DEA storm troopers can make a nuisance of themselves 
when allowed to do so--they don't much care for the press, so I might mix and 
match them. They most certainly don't care much for your rights or the jury 
system, and they can take whatever you have if they want it, without warning 
or recourse. Now THAT oughta be illegal (and is, in this country).

They'd be more concerned with HOW you operated, I suspect. If you make a 
habit of approaching the American coast submerged, slipping in at night, 
running the inlets submerged, and hanging around the marina with accesories 
by Uzi, then you draw attention to yourself. Then the jack boots come 
trampling around. A newspaper reporter and the local tv station rep on board 
would probably set their tiny minds at ease.

Most marina berths aren't going to accomodate a 10' draft, so Carsten is 
going to be using the port facilities, anyway. Better plan to repel wharf 
rats, anyway.
