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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] An "objection" to psubs

--- VBra676539@aol.com wrote:

> They'd be more concerned with HOW you operated, I suspect. If you make a 
> habit of approaching the American coast submerged, slipping in at night, 
> running the inlets submerged, and hanging around the marina with accesories 
> by Uzi, then you draw attention to yourself. Then the jack boots come 
> trampling around. A newspaper reporter and the local tv station rep on board 
> would probably set their tiny minds at ease.

Yes.  And make sure you tell them you're coming.  If they see a sub approaching and they weren't
expecting one, they have to guess, and they might guess... badly.  Not that they should
necessarily be that way, but making them do something WAY out of the routine makes them nervous
and they become stoopid - it's policy.  And not a bad one, come to think of it: when in doubt, be
extra careful.  Makes its own kind of sense.  So do yourself a favor and leave them in no doubt as
to who you are, the fact that you are unarmed, and the fact that you intend to conduct yourself
well.  They may be sceptical (that's their job) but as long as you don't surprise them there's
about a million times better chance that they won't ACT stoopid.

Be nice and they won't "notice" a lot of stuff.  Be a jerk and they'll test every battery in every
flashlight.  This isn't a political statement, it's just fact.  I like to leave politics off-list
when I can.

However, once they understand that you're ok, they'll probably want to board your sub just because
it's so cool.  I know I would.  ;)


PS I used to live in Buffalo, at the US-Canada border, and used to cross the border sometimes just
to buy beer and gasoline.  I was searched exactly twice, once when (at 18) I mouthed off, and once
when the RCMP were training new guards and searching every car, just for practice (the kid who
searched us failed badly, but that was between him and the sgt, we were clean).  Grubby, teenaged,
long-haired, driving an unsafe wreck, and carrying a lot of beer - no hassles at all if you're
simply cooperative and make their job easier.  They HATE to leave the booth.  Once, as a
passenger, I was asleep and they didn't even bother to wake me up for the three routine rote
questions.  Sometimes late at night they'd ask extra questions just so they could flirt with my
girlfriend (now my wife).  They have a truly lousy job.  Be nice to them.

"Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
          - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)

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