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Hi Mike, 

CSSX will have two toilets - one stainless steel one, with valves 
and a hand pump (vacum unit) to a disposal tank and valves and 
electrical pump from the disposal tank to the outside. 
This unit is build into a very small ladies room 
compartment together with a hand washing board. 
CSSX will get a mostly female crew (my option - but still 
disscusing this feature with Sabine..) so there is a 
good reason for a seperate ladies room.

A second - just chemical portable unit - in the diver chamber.
A shower also in the wet area of the diver chamber. 
There is maybe a problem on longtime mission with the two divers -
maybe the portable unit is too small for a week mission in the look out 
chamber under pressure. But one diver can do sometimes a "Disposal dive"
with the lower part of the portable unit.. 

On smaller subs the place for the ladies room can be saved. 
Put the unit just in the engine room. 

A one week mission will be a nice smell expirence -  a old seaman
told me (he was on a VIIC during WWII) - that some of the guys get 
a little ill - from the fresh air they get from the sail hatch 
after a longer dive mission at the end of the war.. 

Another old navy man told me that the german, french and dutch
in the french submarine pens get vomit during the first hours the sub
back in the pen after a mission. 


"Michael B. Holt" schrieb:
> Carsten, what do you use for a toilet/W.C./head/loo in CSSX?   A lady
> friend asked me that.
> Women, it seems, have a need to examine every ladies' room they
> discover.  This has echoes in psub design because we want our
> ladies to travel with us.  What can we do about this?
> (It came to me that the ARGONAUT JUNIOR has a built-in head.
> I don't see any theoretical reason why one cannot let the
> diver's well flood by pressurizing the air lock to ambient,
> doing the act, and then increasing the pressure to blow
> the, uh, material out of the sub.  Ignoring the potential
> legal problems, have I made any mistakes with this idea?
> No, I'm not going to do it.  But my lady friend was asking
> about it.)
> Mike