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Tbhaks for the design notes, Carsten.  Do you have a digital copy of
your piping scheme?  I'd like to see how you do it.

I'd always assumed the way to do it, however, is to duplicate a 
surface boat's piping.  It would be emptied through a hose dropped
through the hatch.  I do admit that such a hose offers too much
opportunity for leaks.

The idea of a female crew is attractive.  So far I've not been
able to find any women who are both interested and capable.  All
the women I have met are using my interest in submarines so they
can get closer to me ... or so it seems.

Your tales of the smell of German submarines duplicates what 
I have read and heard about the smell in American subs.  The
S-boats (built after WW1) were said to especially nasty.
