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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Blowing ballast (was: question about general design?)

TeslaTony@aol.com wrote:
> For something putzing around in a swimming pool or lake with nobody in it you
> can do just about whatever you like as far as blowing the ballast goes
> (alka-seltzer, paintball tanks, SCUBA tanks, coke dispenser tanks, propane
> tanks filled from a bicycle pump, etc. etc. etc.), but if you are relying on
> it to get you and your sub out of the water without the help of a crane then
> go with something that will do the job, and SCUBA tanks really are the best
> choice I've seen (although a high-pressure argon/nitrogen/some other welding
> gas tank *might* work, but don't take my word for it).

Hmmmm.....  Simon Lake, in his ARGONAUT JUNIOR, pumped up with 
a hand pump surplus CO2 tanks; he went to 20 feet.  What are 
paintball tanks?  What's the internal pressure on propane 

I recall back in the 60s the USN used gas generators (as quick
blowing arrangements) that were really rocket engines.  (I can
see the letter to Estes now: "I want to use your big engines
to generate gas to blow the ballast tanks on my submarine.) 

The TRIESTE used BBs, or something solid like that.  I suppose
sand would work just as well.
