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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Tanks and diving (was: question about general design?)

TeslaTony@aol.com wrote:
> If you can afford a $15,000 sub you can afford the roughly $500 it takes to
> get certified ($200 for the class, $50 for the book, $150 for lodging at the
> dive site that you do your open water dives at and another $100 for gas and
> gear rental-but costs are variable so you should ask someplace that has
> classes and do your own math).

This is not always true.  I have epilepsy, and I can't afford to
try to dive.  I've not had a seisure in a long time, but it's a 
possibility I live with every day.  One gran mal seizure at 60 
feet can upset my plans for dinner.

I was not aware that it takes a C-card to buy tanks for non-diving
applications.  This means that those of who do not dive must
find another source.
