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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Blowing ballast (was: question about general design?)

  Why don't you just go down to your local dive shop and tell them what you
are wanting to do.  Tell them of your medical condition and that since you
can't dive, that you are wanting to experiment with designing a submarine.
They shouldn't look at you too funny since it's all about underwater
exploration any way.  I'm sure they'll probably think it's pretty cool and
want to help out.  You may could even get some sponsorship out of it if you
put their name somewhere on it.   Just ask them if they'll fill your tanks
so you can test your unmanned model prototype.  There isn't a law that I
know of that prohibits shops from filling tanks to uncertified divers.   If
they won't sell you tanks for some weird reason, there is always e-bay.
Tanks, regulators and whatever else you need are there for the bidding and
most sellers don't care what you do with the stuff.  If you do buy used
tanks, just make sure they are within hydro.  Maybe this will help.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael B. Holt <mholt@richmond.edu>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 12:58 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Blowing ballast (was: question about general

> TeslaTony@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > For something putzing around in a swimming pool or lake with nobody in
it you
> > can do just about whatever you like as far as blowing the ballast goes
> > (alka-seltzer, paintball tanks, SCUBA tanks, coke dispenser tanks,
> > tanks filled from a bicycle pump, etc. etc. etc.), but if you are
relying on
> > it to get you and your sub out of the water without the help of a crane
> > go with something that will do the job, and SCUBA tanks really are the
> > choice I've seen (although a high-pressure argon/nitrogen/some other
> > gas tank *might* work, but don't take my word for it).
> Hmmmm.....  Simon Lake, in his ARGONAUT JUNIOR, pumped up with
> a hand pump surplus CO2 tanks; he went to 20 feet.  What are
> paintball tanks?  What's the internal pressure on propane
> tanks?
> I recall back in the 60s the USN used gas generators (as quick
> blowing arrangements) that were really rocket engines.  (I can
> see the letter to Estes now: "I want to use your big engines
> to generate gas to blow the ballast tanks on my submarine.)
> The TRIESTE used BBs, or something solid like that.  I suppose
> sand would work just as well.
> Mike