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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] World's Smallest Submarine?

Hi Pat

 You can find a picture of Graham's Deep Flight if that's the one you're
for at http://www.deepflight.com/subs/index.htm

 The F-16 canopies we have been using are rather tricky to seal. We finally
up with overlapping seams and pneumatic seals. Although the F-16 is in the
of 3/4 of an inch thick it is made up in a sandwich of 5 layers, the center and
thickest layer
is polycarbonate, which is great for impact resistance but lousy for pressure
 Since we are building very fast trans. surface adrenaline toys right now the
impact resistance
has been our #1 priority. The visibility in these big asymmetrical bubbles is
just too cool!


Captain Nemo wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> Where can I find a picture of SEA URCHIN 1?
> Wellsir, Freud also said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar", so regarding
> "So what", I'd reply "only and exactly that."  Meaning that I'd like to know
> what the World's Smallest Submarine actually is, because it's a benchmark us
> "little guys" can shoot for.  Why?  Because it's there, I guess.  (I
> probably shouldn't cop to this, but I'm already cuttin' steel on a contender
> down in the shop...)
> Saw that DEEP FLYER / DEEP ROVER boo-boo.  Where can I find a picture of
> Sorry to hear AQUARIUS is not for sale.  I just happen to have $500K sitting
> around not doing anything.  (OK, now THAT was toro-shiest!)   ;-)
> DEEP RANGER / vaporware: too bad.  That would be neat.  I had the same
> thoughts about the "jet fighter canopy".  My first reaction was "Man, if
> they got THAT thing reliably watertight over multiple use-cycles, they're
> pretty hot."
> Actually, though, what I'm really wondering about is how thick those big
> flat (apparently unsupported acrylic) windows would need to be to survive at
> seven or eight atmospheres.
> Don't worry, daddyo, you look plenty dapper in the DW.  Is that "green pic"
> from the TV newscast where you was talking to the lady by 'phone from the
> bottom of the harbor?
> Pat
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phil Nuytten" <72020.572@compuserve.com>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:44 AM
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] World's Smallest Submarine?
> > Hi, Pat:
> >         Wow, world's smallest submarine!      -  "Sea Urchin 1"  is
> > 8'X3'X4', and so, beats the pants off DeepWorker . . . but then, as
> Sigmund
> > Freud was fond of saying -  " So what?".
> > Thank you for pointing out our stuff in the Nautical Niche site - couple
> of
> > errors, though . .  The picture captioned 'Deep Flyer' is actually of
> 'Deep
> > Rover' ( as it so plainly says on the battery box!) and 'Aquarius' is not
> > for sale at 500 K - it is not for sale, period. I have talked to Bill
> Brown
> > in the past and he really does want to sell some submarines - no question
> > about that!
> > Regarding the 'Reef Ranger'  . . .thus far, it is vaporware. I wish it
> were
> > otherwise, though . .If 'they' have found a way to get a 20' X4' sub to
> run
> > at five knots with 4 horsepower, then  'they' are wasting their talents
> > building submarines! Must be the pull-back jet - fighter canopy , I guess.
> > Darn! it just occurs to me that the picture of moi in DeepWorker posted on
> > that site would have been so much better if I was looking out from a
> > jet-fighter canopy. Bitch to seal, tho'
> > Phil Nuytten
> >
org:TARCO Research;Design and Development
adr:;;11020 Myrtlewood Dr.;Redding;CA;96003;USA
note:Beneath the surface Flies the Future
fn:Thomas Rowe