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[PSUBS-MAILIST] World's Smallest Submarine?

Hi, Pat:
        Wow, world's smallest submarine!      -  "Sea Urchin 1"  is
8'X3'X4', and so, beats the pants off DeepWorker . . . but then, as Sigmund
Freud was fond of saying -  " So what?". 
Thank you for pointing out our stuff in the Nautical Niche site - couple of
errors, though . .  The picture captioned 'Deep Flyer' is actually of 'Deep
Rover' ( as it so plainly says on the battery box!) and 'Aquarius' is not
for sale at 500 K - it is not for sale, period. I have talked to Bill Brown
in the past and he really does want to sell some submarines - no question
about that! 
Regarding the 'Reef Ranger'  . . .thus far, it is vaporware. I wish it were
otherwise, though . .If 'they' have found a way to get a 20' X4' sub to run
at five knots with 4 horsepower, then  'they' are wasting their talents
building submarines! Must be the pull-back jet - fighter canopy , I guess.
Darn! it just occurs to me that the picture of moi in DeepWorker posted on
that site would have been so much better if I was looking out from a
jet-fighter canopy. Bitch to seal, tho'
Phil Nuytten