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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New comer w/ROV Question


Yup.  The magnetic connection in lieu of a through-hull means is a concept
which surfaces every now-and-again on this website and others devoted to R/C
subs that I've seen.  I've never tried it but I hear it works pretty well

Know whatcha mean by your last comment.  A long time ago, before I got my
C-card, I dreamed up a little device that enabled me to breathe underwater
for short periods of time.  Really thought I had come up with something.

Then I did some research, and found out my "invention" was hundreds of years
old.  Still, I didn't know that at the time; and for me, the discovery was
every bit as exciting as it must have been for the first guy who came up
with it.

Anyway, I've been off work today with a bit of a bug; thus lots of time for
the computer.  Hope the input has been of some help to someone.
