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--- Captain Nemo <vulcania@interpac.net> wrote:
>  So tell me, Lew: what do you want to do regarding subs?
> Just interested in talking about them; want to build one; what?

It's pretty blue-sky right now, but the dream is to go swim with the dolphins and whales, and not
only at the surface.  Nobody has a great deal of solid information about what goes on with them
below the surface.  Mind you, I'm not by any means a cetologist or anything of the kind.  I just
like 'em and one day hope to have the chance to go study them first-hand.  A second career,
perhaps.  So I'm gathering background, mainly.

Another concept floating around my disorganized braincase is a shallow underwater observatory -
less than a habitat, more than a sunken p-sub.  Same basic goals as dolphin often work the

And another is a keel observatory suspended below a surface vessel, ideally a sailboat.  It would
have to be a pretty big boat though in order to accomodate a person inside the keel and still move
along decently.

All of these are PSUB-like, and would involve many of the same considerations, skills, solutions.

And lately, I've been wondering if it would be possible to build a psub out of plywood.  It would
be very limited as to depth, obviously - but wouldn't demand nearly the same sophisticated tools
and techniques, a cheap starter project maybe?  It would need lots of ballast - wood floats, after
all - but that's hardly a show-stopper.  Dead weight is easy to fabricate, well easier than
functional parts anyhow.

That's a peak into my sub-related thinking... sometimes I even scare myself!


PS re the comments about this list, it is IMHO as good a forum as one is likely to find on what
is, quite frankly, a very esoteric subject.  It certainly ranks with others I know about (on other
topics) and is better than most.  The internet is a wonderful thing, and the world is still
learning how to make it into something as good as it could be.  But this list is as good as any
list out there, and better than most, and you guys who have built and sustained it have a right to
take pride in it.  

"Balee haih-aih ha-hutcha see,  
 Sanana na hutcha heah." 
          - Marvin Gaye

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