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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] language - was new to this list - dry ambient sub??

Kindergarten - its another nice german word.. 

The older fisherman and people in our coastel towns 
speaks a more or less mixture between german and english 
- Helps much during the time the smuggle something between Germany
- England during .. - Napoleons blockade ..

English is much simpler than german - and I have heard rumors
that the american nation was not far away to make german 
to their main language - only one voice more during the 
vote in the congres in 18xx - maybe a german vote .. 
- its that true ? 

Comics are later than books .. improvement ? 

Have heard roumors that the workers by Boing build the planes 
with workshop-comics - Airbus worker use workshop-books.. 

Will stop now - is not really PSUBS stuff... 

PS: Sometimes I make little drawings in comics form to find the right 
sequence to assemble a steel section - did that with the bow and stern
also - Help to assemble the section with all weldings in the best
weldings position - and save time to turn the section x-times again.. 


VBra676539@aol.com schrieb:
> Hey, Carsten--if English is classed as a Germanic language, meaning that it
> is has German routes, then do you suppose that English must then be an
> improvement over the mother tongue? Except for southern California, of course.
> Vance