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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] language - was new to this list - dry ambient sub??

--- Carsten Standfuß <MerlinSub@t-online.de> wrote:
> Kindergarten - its another nice german word.. 

There are thousands of "loan" words in English from dozens of languages.  We really don't care, we
steal from anyone who has a word we like.  If you don't know the English word for something, try
the German word - it works ok sometimes (also try any other language you know).  This is in
addition to the fact that English really is a Germanic tounge, heavily influenced by Norman
French, Gaelic, Welsh, and everything else.  (English folk, German Volk; English swine, German
Schweine; etc etc - - German Du, English thou!)

>official language

No, it's Urban Legend.  Nice writeup at

One local jurisdiction (just outside Washington DC) frequently publishes material in English,
Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese, Korean, and one more alphabet I can't read (Hindi?) for the
convenience of immigrant communities.  In other areas different languages are used as locally
determined but English is accepted as "the one that counts."  


"I know you know what you know,
 But you should know by now that you're not me."
          - Nasty/McQuickly 

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