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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: PSUB power problems solved

"Karl S. Luttrell" wrote:
> Got a postcard from this outfit.  Check it out at www.fuellesspower.com .

Hmmmm ....  Why don't they provide any information?  There's nothing
about what sort of inputs are required to get all that power out the
other side.  As far as I know, the basic laws of physics haven't been
altered.  The "Fuelless Engine" is what makes me suspicious of all of 
this.  What's in the box?  Gerbils?  

The patented compressed air engine is interesting, though.  It should
be easy enough to get the patent on this.  As I recall, the patent will
cost $1.50.  Come to think of it, the thermite idea might be used to
produce the compressed gas to run it.
