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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: PSUB power problems solved

looks to me too that this link is nothing but a scam.
There is noting on earth to produce energy out of nothing.
The gas engine converted to an air engine works, this is not new, the only
problem is that it takes tremendous amount of air.
I know a diver propulsion vehicle which works with a scuba air tank, 3 HP
for 45 mn.
Interesting onlly with a huge source of air

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael B. Holt <mholt@richmond.edu>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 3:17 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: PSUB power problems solved

> "Karl S. Luttrell" wrote:
> >
> > Got a postcard from this outfit.  Check it out at www.fuellesspower.com
> Hmmmm ....  Why don't they provide any information?  There's nothing
> about what sort of inputs are required to get all that power out the
> other side.  As far as I know, the basic laws of physics haven't been
> altered.  The "Fuelless Engine" is what makes me suspicious of all of
> this.  What's in the box?  Gerbils?
> The patented compressed air engine is interesting, though.  It should
> be easy enough to get the patent on this.  As I recall, the patent will
> cost $1.50.  Come to think of it, the thermite idea might be used to
> produce the compressed gas to run it.
> Mike