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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hydrogen Peroxide

----- Original Message -----
From: David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
... because of a big flap about people who were drinking it and getting it
injected into their bloodstreams as a health fad. Really.

Hi guys -
I don't know about the explosive potential of hydrogen peroxide, but I do
know about the health fad stuff.  Seems like there is a huge market out
there for people with genital herpes to use hydrogen peroxide.  This is
based on some pretty quetionable "research" done showing that the virus
cannot replicate in a high oxygen environement.  The researches claimed that
by increasing the oxygen content in the body, that the virus would be
erradicated from the body.  I work in a hospital, and this body of
literature was first brought to my attention by a patient who stated he was
using "oxygenated olive oil" for all of his cooking ( poor guy had hepatitis
and HIV too, so I wasn't going to argue with him about how silly the whole
theory sounded ). Physiologically, I can't make sense of the "extra-oxygen"
crap - As humans, we are usually running at about 98-100% oxygen saturation
in the bloodstream ( a little less for you smokers out there ), injesting
(olive oil) or injecting just shouldn't make any difference in the
saturation of the blood. Also, the creams and ointments that are being sold
as super-oxygenated have to be straight crap - but are likely genertating
huge profits form people who are scared and uninformed. I couldn't find
anything in the established literature to support any of this ( his claim of
health improvements on the olive-oil spurred some debate among my
collegues - I had a six pack riding on debunking the myths )
So - in summary, If you or someone you know has herpes - stay away from
olive oil, and find a real doctor before injecting hydrogen peroxide.  If,
on the other hand, you are selling "oxygenated olive oil"< call me, I'd like
to be your business partner.
> --
> David
> Osage MN USA
> buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner