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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hydrogen Peroxide

Thanks Greg:
Yeah I got one crack addict client who has been coming down to the clinic
for her meds and her hair is saturated with olive oil.  She talks a lot of
bible stuff and I assumed she was annointing herself or some other bazaar
thing.  The other day she wanted some peroxide to gargle.  My eyesight is
not good and so I just turned around and grabbed a dark brown plastic bottle
I thought was peroxide and pored her out a shot in a small plastic meds cup.
She poured it into her mouth and began to gargle.  All of a sudden she spit
it out into the waste paper basket and said,
"man that stuff ain't peroxide, it's got sugar in it!"
Suprised, I quickly looked at the label, and it had another client's name on
it along with in big letters,
"Oral Mouth Wash for Yeast Infection"
Thinking fast I said,
"Yeah, it's mouth wash OK?  You don't like it then go down to the corner and
buy yourself a bottle of  peroxide alright?"
Another thing these crackheads like to do is chew on Tylenol.  I guess they
like the taste.
Big D

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Snyder <snyde032@tc.umn.edu>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hydrogen Peroxide

>----- Original Message -----
>From: David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
>... because of a big flap about people who were drinking it and getting it
>injected into their bloodstreams as a health fad. Really.
>Hi guys -
>I don't know about the explosive potential of hydrogen peroxide, but I do
>know about the health fad stuff.  Seems like there is a huge market out
>there for people with genital herpes to use hydrogen peroxide.  This is
>based on some pretty quetionable "research" done showing that the virus
>cannot replicate in a high oxygen environement.  The researches claimed
>by increasing the oxygen content in the body, that the virus would be
>erradicated from the body.  I work in a hospital, and this body of
>literature was first brought to my attention by a patient who stated he was
>using "oxygenated olive oil" for all of his cooking ( poor guy had
>and HIV too, so I wasn't going to argue with him about how silly the whole
>theory sounded ). Physiologically, I can't make sense of the "extra-oxygen"
>crap - As humans, we are usually running at about 98-100% oxygen saturation
>in the bloodstream ( a little less for you smokers out there ), injesting
>(olive oil) or injecting just shouldn't make any difference in the
>saturation of the blood. Also, the creams and ointments that are being sold
>as super-oxygenated have to be straight crap - but are likely genertating
>huge profits form people who are scared and uninformed. I couldn't find
>anything in the established literature to support any of this ( his claim
>health improvements on the olive-oil spurred some debate among my
>collegues - I had a six pack riding on debunking the myths )
>So - in summary, If you or someone you know has herpes - stay away from
>olive oil, and find a real doctor before injecting hydrogen peroxide.  If,
>on the other hand, you are selling "oxygenated olive oil"< call me, I'd
>to be your business partner.
>> --
>> David
>> Osage MN USA
>> buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner