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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View Ports

Please do not continue using this email address for Richard Barker.  His new
email address is:
james.r.barker@lmco.com  Please pass this on to other submersible persons.  As I
and Richard have tried to get his address changed to his own personal email.  My
email is for my business and personal use.

Appreciate your cooperation
His wifed

Paul Suds wrote:

> Regarding view ports, I intend on having a 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick stress
> relieved polycarbonate canopy on my unit. I've run a few finite element
> calcs on this at my crush depth.  I've also worked with poly this thick
> before and I have no doubt that it will take a good 30lb wack with a ball
> pean hammer at 100 ft with no structural damage. Of course I'll be
> performing this test from the outside, just in case, and at less than 100
> ft. Now, if I can only find someone to pilot the thing while I beat on the
> outside canopy ... In all seriousness, overdesign + life = good; Underdesign
> + accident = very bad. For a high speed sub, it goes without saying, that
> controlability will be a major design consideration. Pilot discipline is
> also very important as well.
> Suds
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