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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Launching at the boat ramp

At 0138 -0600 02/08/0, D. Blake wrote:
>Incivility and stupidity are symtomatic of a cognitive deficit, and/or a
>lack of socialization.  A cognitive deficit is a handicap no amount of pain
>will cure.  

Isn't stupidity a cognitive deficit? I rather think that incivility, and certain forms of stupidity, are simply careless, lazy habits. Without decipherable santions or consequences, some people simply start doing whatever they think is in their best interest, and indulging in the luxury of being inconsiderate of others. Anyway, even if pain wouldn't cure it, they might encouraged to keep it to themselves.

>Lack of socialization?  Well, you cannot polish a turd....

O boy. I'm learning so much here. I'll add that gem to the other one. A couple more slogans, and I'll be ready to start a t-shirt business...

This whole thing about ramp behavior mystifies me anyway. Most public social situations have some kind of readily-pick-uppable set of manners, but public accesses still have me stumped. Some people seem irritated if I get too close with my boat waiting for them to get done. If I park respectfully out of the way of the guy who's in the process of launching or loading, so I don't seem to be rushing him -- some other bozo comes driving up and moves in a little closer, displacing me. If there's a boat at the dock, with someone holding it, waiting for a member of their party who's gone to get the truck, and I back in quickly and launch mine, they get all offended. But if I count their already being at the dock as "dibs" and wait patiently, they might take 15 minutes to get around to backing the trailer in. And then there's the guys who fish from the dock there, and act put out that anyone wants to use the ramp...

They all seem so clueless. I honestly think it's the same phenomenon as pedestrians getting angry at drivers... and then getting into their cars and doing the same kinds of rude things to pedestrians. Or drivers getting angry at other cars not letting them pull out or change lanes -- who then moments later will blast their horns and curse at anyone who pulls out and dares make them use their brakes a little. "Anything which isn't centered on my convenience is by definition rude and intolerable." Take advantage of any opening. Don't bother being polite or considerate, because you assume the other guy who screw you if the situation were reversed -- civility doesn't pay off.

It is not logical.

I fear that messing around with a sub launch at the ramp might get me the same confused intolerance as taking a bicycle to a car wash or drive-up ATM. "I shouldn't have to wait for you, because your boat isn't like my boat. This ramp should only be for normal people like me with boats like mine. Your boat should be like everybody else's." (Well, I don't really fear it. Actually, just the opposite: I relish the opportunity to mess with people's heads.)

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner