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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane Fueled Electric Generator

In the past, I have invisioned two separate pressure hulls with an
articulated joint between the two for manuevering like a frontend loader.
Other benefits would be safety and noise reduction.  The manned pressure
hull could be designed to detach in an emergency.  My thought though was for
a hydraulic system powered by batteries.  Still, a hybrid power system would
be great.  I think 2 hulls would be better--albeit more expensive--than a
partitioned hull, but worth it for the reasons mentioned above.
In the end though, it comes back to the K.I.S.S principle.  Keep it simple.
The best design is the most simple and robust, with the fewest possibilities
for failure.

Big Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: Henesy, Chris A. <CAHENESY@gapac.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 8:31 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane Fueled Electric Generator

> On the topic of closed circuit propulsion... I was at Home Depot the
>other day and saw a new item on display.  It is an electric generator that
>runs off of a propane bottle instead of gasoline and it cost about $500.
>That would be great! Generate electricity to run motors and electrical
>systems, and all you have to do is scrub CO2.  I still think though if I
>going to use one of these, I would partition the pressure hull into two
>sections with the engine sealed off in the rear with it's own O2 feed, CO2
>scrubber and CO2/O2 monitor.
> -Chris