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Re: Identity crisis and other news...

Hello Pat:
A few comments and questions below.
-----Original Message-----
From: Captain Nemo <vulcania@interpac.net>
To: Personal (Discussion) Submersibles <Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 5:21 AM
Subject: Identity crisis and other news...

Oh Gawd!  I didn't realize my email still has that corny old "Captain Nemo" identity designator on it!  I'll have to check with my better-half to see how to change it.  ;-)
Don't do it!  Nobody else has a Nautilas.  Besides, it's too late.  We already saw it.  I think it's a great handle.
One of my new projects is a 16-foot-long high-performance minisub shaped something like the SKIPJACK. 
Very cool!
I've got a jetski drivetrain I want to install; but I was reading through the archive, and found comments about additional "air" being necessary to eliminate a vacuum at the impeller, and this kind of throws me a curve.  (Looking at my KAWASAKI JS-500, the only vacuum line I see near the impeller is one that draws water from the bilge via decreased pressures induced by thrustor-flow.
Maybe it normally draws air, but has the secondary purpose of evacuating water?
Is there any reason why a small portion of the engine exhaust couldn't be routed to that area to serve this purpose?
What about the balance of the exhaust?  Where does it go?
Anyway, I'd like to hear more about why additional air is necessary at the thrustor water intake from anybody who really understands this principle; because it's news to me, and I'm about to dissect a hull and bolt a squirt-drive into it.
I'm curious too.
Big Dave
Very best regards,
Pat Regan