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Re: question....

Sounds like you may be going to arrange those ports like the Nekton.  If so,
do you also plan to use the same method of protection for them ie, those
half moon shaped shields you see surrounding the front half of the
portholes?  Are you going with the same hull thickness?
One other thing I have been meaning to ask.  How detailed are the K350
plans?  I guess what I mean is, how many sheets are included and how big?
Also, how many pages of documentation?
Big Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: VBra676539@aol.com <VBra676539@aol.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: question....

>In a message dated 12/9/99 2:38:07 AM, dkanarr@bellatlantic.net writes:
><< Vance???????????????
>Can I move my two Aft side viewports to the front of my hull without
>Can I Just draw a line and mirrow?  Good? / Bad?
> >>
>Yes, you can move the viewports. GK told me that I could stick dozens of
>in if I wanted to. He recommends keeping one frame diameter apart on
>installations in the same frame section. What is "draw a line and mirrow?"
>I am ordering the plate this month to replace my hull cylinder. Mine is
>rusted in the bilge area--badly enough to replace. I am planning on making
>the thing 2 feet longer and adding several ports forward, as you are
>about. Will put the passenger forward, where I can get some work out of
>Do you have any way to scan stuff into the computer? The rest of the
>would be mighty interested to see a work in progress. Me, too, come to
>I'll be doing the same pretty soon.
>Keep me posted,