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Re: Identity crisis and other news...

ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2314.1000" name=GENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=#ffffff> <DIV><FONT size=2>Hi Dave, </FONT></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2>"Nemo?": My better-half agrees with you; looks like I'm stuck with it; (me and 20,000 other sub fans).</FONT></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2>"Skipjack?": Will send some pictures of the hull when I get my SNAPPY video digitizer working again.&nbsp; If propulsion works at all close to as expected, this one's really gonna "haul the mail".</FONT></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2>"Vacuum?" Yeah, maybe so.&nbsp; I know&nbsp;the&nbsp;tube evacuates water from the bilge, but this idea of a required "vacuum spoiler" at the impeller is news to me.&nbsp; Researching...&nbsp; </FONT></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2>"What about the balance of the exhaust?":&nbsp; </FONT><FONT size=2>In&nbsp;an open system, I planned to exhaust just aft of the impeller, and into the reduced pressure of the thrust flow.&nbsp; Could always divert a small amount of exhaust to the H20 intake, I suppose; but I'm not yet convinced it's necessary or desirable. Gotta go down to the local shop and pick the techs' brains on this one.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2>VBR, </FONT></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2>Pat</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2><A href="mailto:vulcania@interpac.net">vulcania@interpac.net</A></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>