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Nuclear sub

Hi guys. I usually can't wait to get on the net and read your e-mails. 
Unfortunately, the Nuclear Plant where I work has been refueling for the 
last month, and I haven't had time to read all the e-mails. I've just spent 
the last hr reading all the e-mails. As the kids say "cool". I think I've 
missed out on some good discussions. Too bad we can't use some of that spent 
nuclear fuel with it's decay heat as a fuel source, ha.
I've finally finished my clay model of my sub. I plan on making the final 
unit out of fiber glass and epoxy impregnated fiber. I also saw some of your 
e-mails on propulsion. I've done a myriad of calcs, and think I can get 
about 13 knotts for an hr. I've found a couple of web sites on jet pumps 
(www.solas.com) and the australians have a sport called jet boating 
(jetsprint.org). I've also talked to some fellow engineers at bombadier and 
have gotten some old design guides for the impeller and volute. I plan on 
making a variable pressure cavitation tunnel to test my propulsion device.  
This may sound like reinventing the wheel, but hey I enjoy it, and I tend to 
learn more this way.
Now if I could only get some of that spent nuclear fuel..... Suds

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