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Re: Air Use Calculations

Chris, do you mean you are not going to have anything to add Oxygen and
scrub CO2? I dont think it would have much time underwater ;)
You need to calculate the volume of gas in the sub and then work out its
fraction of oxygen then using a consumption rate of between .5 and 3 litres
a min calculate how long that much oxygen will last. Oh, you also need to
figure how much co2 will be produced and  how long before it puts you to
sleep ;)


> From: Chris Nugent <dirkpitt77@yahoo.com>
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Air Use Calculations
> Date: Saturday, October 30, 1999 10:10 AM
>      Hey all,
>      There having been a lot of discussion about
> rebreathers and other various environmental systems
> lately, I came up with a question.
>      The design of my sub being as economical and
> simple as possible, I have only allowed for a
> submerged endurance of say one or two hours.  Mostly
> the idea is to avoid building a scrubber and just use
> cabin air.  As long as I have a good monitoring system
> in place, I plan to come up every hour or so and just
> ventilate the cabin w/fresh air.  Opinions on this?
>      So my question is, does anyone know where to find
> how to calculate volume of breathable air used by the
> human body per minute?  Can one extrapolate an
> estimate of submerged endurance  based on the volume
> of air in the cabin versus volume of air used by the
> human body?  Let me know what you guys think.
>                                   Thanks,
>                                     Chris
>  P.S.  Thanks to all who sounded off on the "Tour of
> The Boat"  thing....nice to meet ya
> =====
> "Noisy outside, empty inside." - Confucius
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